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Angle problems of webbing sling during lifting

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-01      Origin: Site

The angle problem is involved in the lifting process of the two webbing slings, and this angle cannot be avoided.

Because during the lifting process, it is necessary to consider fixing two webbing slings from both ends, while lifting only one lifting point, the lifting angle is unavoidable.

In the lifting method we described earlier, there are two ways to fix the lifting belts, namely the straight lifting method and the knot method.

It is the same as the lifting and fixing method of a lifting strap. Only the two webbing slings are stressed, and the lifting angles are different.

The two lifting straps are lifted at an angle difference of 45° and 45°-60°

Straight lifting method: The 45° tensile force is 1.4 times the normal breaking load, that is, the maximum carrying capacity of two one-ton lifting belts is 1.4 tons;

The 45°-60° tensile force is 1.0 times the normal breaking load, that is, the maximum carrying capacity of two one-ton webbing sling is 1.0 tons;

Noose method: 45° tensile force is 1.12 times the normal breaking load, that is, the maximum load capacity of two one-ton lifting straps is 1.12 tons;

The 45°-60° tensile force is 0.8 times the normal breaking load, that is, the maximum carrying capacity of two one-ton lifting belts is 0.8 tons;

Chart of WLL


    single sling max working load limit (Kg)

    round slings

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    webbing slings

    9 10 11 12 13
    lifting belts assembly 14

    WLL 1.0 0.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5
    1000kg   1000 800 2000 1400 1000 700 500
    2000kg   2000 1600 4000 2800 2000 1400 1000
    3000kg   3000 2400 6000 4200 3000 2100 1500
    4000kg   4000 3200 8000 5600 4000 2800 2000
    5000kg   5000 4000 10000 7000 5000 3500 2500
    6000kg   6000 4800 12000 8400 6000 4200 3000
    8000kg   8000 6400 16000 11200 8000 5600 4000
    10000kg 10000 8000 20000 14000 10000 7000 5000
    12000kg 12000 9600 24000 16800 12000 8400 6000
    15000kg 15000 12000 30000 21000 15000 10500 7500
    20000kg 20000 16000 40000 28000 20000 14000 10000
    25000kg 25000 20000 50000 35000 25000 17500 12500
    30000kg 30000 24000 60000 42000 30000 21000 15000
    40000kg 40000 32000 80000 56000 40000 28000 20000
    50000kg 50000 40000 100000 70000 50000 35000 25000
    60000kg 60000 48000 120000 84000 60000 42000 30000
    80000kg 80000 64000 160000 112000 80000 56000 40000
    100000kg 100000 80000 200000 140000 100000 70000 50000
    200000kg 200000 160000 400000 280000 200000 140000 100000
    300000kg 300000 240000 600000 420000 300000 210000 150000
    400000kg 400000 320000 800000 560000 400000 280000 200000
    500000kg 500000 400000 1000000 700000 500000 350000 250000
    600000kg 600000 480000 1200000 840000 600000 420000 300000
    700000kg 700000 560000 1400000 980000 700000 490000 350000
    800000kg 800000 640000 1600000 1120000 800000 560000 400000
    900000kg 900000 720000 1800000 1260000 900000 630000 450000
    1000000kg 1000000 800000 2000000 1400000 1000000 700000 500000

    2 legs max working load limit (Kg) 4 legs max working load limit (Kg)
    webbing sling 15 16 17 18 19 20
    round sling 21 22 23 24 QQ截图20191126153243 QQ截图20191126153243
    lifting belts assembly 27
    29 30
    WLL 1.4 1.12 1.0 0.8 2.1 1.5
    1000kg   1400 1120 1000 800 2100 1500
    2000kg   2800 2240 2000 1600 4200 3000
    3000kg   4200 3360 3000 2400 6300 4500
    4000kg   5600 4480 4000 3200 8400 6000
    5000kg   7000 5600 5000 4000 10500 7500
    6000kg   8400 6720 6000 4800 12600 9000
    8000kg   11200 8960 8000 6400 16800 12000
    10000kg 14000 11200 10000 8000 21000 15000
    12000kg 16800 13440 12000 9600 25200 18000
    15000kg 21000 16800 15000 12000 31500 22500
    20000kg 28000 22400 20000 16000 42000 30000
    25000kg 35000 28000 25000 20000 52500 37500
    30000kg 42000 33600 30000 24000 63000 45000
    40000kg 56000 44800 40000 32000

    50000kg 70000 56000 50000 40000

    60000kg 84000 67200 60000 48000

    80000kg 112000 89600 80000 64000

    140000 140000 112000 100000 80000

    200000kg 280000 224000 200000 160000

    300000kg 420000 336000 300000 240000

    400000kg 560000 448000 400000 320000

    500000kg 700000 560000 500000 400000

    600000kg 840000 672000 600000 480000

    784000 700000 560000

    800000kg 1120000 896000 800000 640000

    900000kg 1260000 1008000 900000 720000

    1000000kg 1400000 1120000 1000000 800000

    Note: M = coefficient of symmetrical load, installation tolerance of lifting belt or lifting belt parts: 6 ° in the vertical direction.

    The maximum working load of a hoisting belt has a great relationship with the hoisting method. Different hoisting angles have a different maximum of hoisting working loads.



    Jiangsu Gostern Rigging specializes in the production of round slings, webbing slings, ratchet straps, safety ropes, safety belts, safety nets, link chains, chain slings, steel wire ropes, wire rope slings, lifting clamps, lifting beams, and rigging accessories.

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     : No. 188, Longgang Road, Gaogang District, Taizhou City, 225300, Jiangsu, China. 
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     : +8615062999269
     : sales@zssling.com